Staff Directory

Teaching Staff

Photo of Jenna Wall

Mrs. Jenna Wall

Kindergarten (Room 120)

Photo of Suzanne Boutilier

Mrs. Suzanne Boutilier

Gr 1 (Room 119)

Photo of Ashley Fox

Mrs. Ashley Fox

Gr 2 (Room 116)

Photo of Carrie Gryde

Mrs. Carrie Gryde

Gr 3 (Room 117)

Photo of Kari Davis

Ms. Kari Davis

Student Services

Photo of Kevin Falk

Mr. Kevin Falk

Gr. 4/5a (Room 122)

Photo of Jessica Neustaeter

Mrs. Jessica Neustaeter

Gr 5b/6​ (Room 115)

Photo of Kassidy Redekop

Mrs. Kassidy Redekop

(Room 123 and 102) ELA 5, 6 7 & 8, Art 6 - 9

Photo of Frank Meyers

Mr. Frank Meyers

(Room 104),P.E. 7 - 9, Health/Guidance 8, Social 7 & 8​, Financial Literacy 10

Photo of Ashley Braun

Mrs. Ashley Braun

Gr 8 (Room 106) Homeroom, Math 8, Science 7 & 8, PAA 8

Photo of Natasha Olynick

Mrs. Natasha Olynick

Vice-Principal, Math 7, PAA 8 and 9, Sr Maths

Photo of Tavis Schroeder

Mr. Tavis Schroeder

Gr 9 (Room 101) Homeroom, Science 9 & 10, PAA 8, 9, 10, 20, & 30, Health Science 20, Biology 30

Photo of Tami Krahn-Nagy

Ms. Tami Krahn-Nagy

Gr. 11/12 (Room 105) Homeroom, ELA 9, A10, B10, 20, A30 & B30, Social 9, History 10, History 20, Health/Career Guidance 9

placeholder image for Lori Moon-Penner

Mrs. Lori Moon-Penner

Learning Intervention Teacher (Room 114)

Photo of Chad Striker

Mr. Chad Striker

Principal (Wellness 10, PE 20/30)

Support Staff

Photo of Susan Bryant

Ms. Susan Bryant

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Tracy Cornelson

Mrs. Tracy Cornelson


Photo of Kimberley Dueck

Mrs. Kimberley Dueck

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Candace Epp

Mrs. Candace Epp

Educational Assistant

Photo of Donovan Epp

Mr. Donovan Epp

Educational Assistant

Photo of Anne Francis

Mrs. Anne Francis

Office Manager

Photo of Abigail Friesen

Ms. Abigail Friesen

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Martha​ Funk

Mrs. Martha​ Funk


Photo of Heather Wilson-Gerbrandt

Mrs. Heather Wilson-Gerbrandt

Educational Assistant

Photo of Anne Haubrich

Mrs. Anne Haubrich


Photo of Andrea Lacelle

Mrs. Andrea Lacelle

Educational Assistant

Photo of Jenna Laursen

Ms. Jenna Laursen

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Lori Newton

Mrs. Lori Newton

Educational Assistant

Photo of Jessica Speir

Mrs. Jessica Speir

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Melinda Teichrib

Mrs. Melinda Teichrib

Educational Assistant

Photo of Dawn Wanner

Ms. Dawn Wanner

Facilities Manager

Photo of Lindsay Wiebe

Ms. Lindsay Wiebe

Educational Assistant

Photo of Bohy Wintoniak

Mrs. Bohy Wintoniak

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Angela Zacharias

Mrs. Angela Zacharias

Educational Assistant

Contact Staff Member